
Showing posts from April, 2024

Deep conversation

I has had a very serious chat with my hooman today. I came into the big, main room and blinked at him. He blinked back at me. I blinked at him. He blinked at me. I blinked at him. He blinked at me. I blinked at him. He blinked at me. I blinked at him. He blinked at me. I blinked at him. He blinked at me.  It was a very deep and meaningful conversation. I actually agreed with him, in some ways. I hope we can have many more chats like this.

Big whirring thing

My hooman does many odd things that I don't understand. One of these things is that once a week, he loudly says 'cleaning time!', then gets out the big whirring thing. I really don't like the big whirring thing. My human touches a switch and off it goes - making loud noises. They hurt my little catty ears. Then he starts running the big whirring thing backwards and forwards across the floor. I have to run out of the room he's in. But he doesn't stop. He goes into all of the rooms with it. So when he comes into the main napping room, where I've run to to get away from the big whirring thing, I have to run out of there and back into the big, main room. It's so annoying. I wish he wouldn't do it. To show my annoyance, when he's finished with the big whirring thing I go to my wee tray and throw as much of it on the floor as possible. Then I meow and run off.

Important Cat Jobs

It's not easy being a cat. Aside from fitting in at least 16 hours of naps each day, I has many important cat jobs I must do. I has to wash my human, so he doesn't smell. I has to play with my hooman, so he doesn't get bored. I has to show him my fluffy belly, and purr when he rubs it, to keep him happy. I has to keep him warm, by sitting on him. I has to check that any boxes in my home are up to standard. I has to help him when he's changing the bedding in the napping room. I could keep going. It honestly feels like my list of jobs is never-ending. It's exhausting. But one of my main jobs, which is very important, is to be chief cupboard inspector. I has to make sure all cupboards are up to my standards, that they're clean, and that they contain at least one tin of toona. My hooman only partly passed the last cupboard inspections. One cupboard had dust in. The other had no toona. I has raised my concerns with my hooman by meowing loudly, and scratching the big,...

Where is he putting it?

My hooman does something really really weird. I go to my poo and wee tray, and do a big poo. Then I cover it in as many little stones as possible, being sure to scatter some throughout the room too. Then I see my hooman go over to the tray and do something. The next time I go there, my poo is gone. My hooman has taken it. What is he doing with all my poos? Where is he putting them? Is he storing them up? If so, what for? Sometimes I has a big confused about hooman behaviour. I'm sure my hooman isn't normal. Odd creature.

Jingly Jangly Dangly Thing

My hooman tricked me. He came up to me when I just waking from a nap, patted my head, stroked my neck... then quickly put something round it, before I had time to run off. It made a 'click' noise. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't want it on me, so I walked backwards to try and get it off. I jumped down from where I'd been napping, and there was this silly jingling noise every time I moved. I ran to another room and the jingling noise followed me. Annoying. I tried doing catty headshakes, which made the thing jingle more, and I tried walking backwards... and I tried rubbing against things, but I couldn't get it off my neck. I'm not happy. I might scratch the big, long chair, to annoy the hooman. Idiot.

I is a limber kitty

Sometimes it's hard work keeping clean, as a cat. I has to wash and wash and wash... particularly after my hooman has petted me and covered me in hooman smells. Some bits are easier to wash than others. I can easily reach my front feets and my front bib. To get to my side and my belly, I has to lay down. To get to my head and ears, I has to lick one of my front feets and rub it over them. But the hardest bits to reach are my back feets. I don't think hoomans understand how much effort goes into keeping these clean. To reach my back feets, I has to get into special positions... and perform catrobatics. I has to balance very carefully and stretch out. This is why I don't like my back feets touched. I work too hard on them to have them smelling of hooman. I think it's a skill that we all learn as kittens - catrobatics. I hasn't seen my hooman do this to clean his feets - maybe that's why they always smell when I sniff them...

Hooman needs fur

I has noticed something with my hooman - he doesn't have fur. In fact, I has noticed this with all hoomans. How do they keep warm? How can they look cute? I has decided to help my hooman. I has noticed he sometimes leaves the things he puts on his furless body in the napping room. I has decided that it is my duty, as chief cat of our home, to cover all of these things with as much fur as possible. To do this, I nap on them, roll on them, and stretch out on them. This way, I make sure my hooman has as much fur on him as possible and can stay warm... but having seen his face, I'm not sure if fur will allow him to look cute. I has tried my best.

My favourite day

I like today. Of all the days, today is definitely my favourite. My hooman gets up late, so that's not good, as it means I get my breakfast late... unless I paw at his face until he gives up. But after breakfast, I has a tired again. So I go for more naps. And more naps. And more naps. I let my hooman come over to me and give chin tickles, ear scritches, head rubs, and belly rubs. I sometimes give him a 'mrrrrrp', to greet him. Then I go back to napping. Today is definitely the snooziest day of all the days of the week. I has a happy.

Family pic

I has had a nice surprise. I got sent a new picture of my family abroad. I think they live in a place called Canada. They're distant cousins, so they're very different from me - much bigger, with fluffier ears, and they don't seem to eat snacks that come from a pouch. It was great to see them, as it's been a long time since I last did. I do miss them, but I couldn't live where they do - it's so cold, and the floor is covered in freezing, white, smooshy stuff. They also play a bit rough for my liking. And they has to find their own foods. They don't have a hooman to put it out for them, in bowls. They don't even like ear scricthes. Apparently they bite anyone who tries this. I like my cousins, but they're very strange - very different from me. Nice to see them though.

Not foods

I had a strange experience tonight. My hooman brought something in from his food room and took it to a small table. I was interested to know what it was, so I jumped up onto the bigger table to get closer to it. My hooman said 'no Frankie - it's not for you'. I leaned a bit closer. My hooman started putting bits in his mouth... so it must be foods. I got even closer. It definitely looked like foods. I had sniffs. I had more sniffs. My hooman said 'no, Frankie'. Very strange. It looked like foods, my hooman was eating it, but it didn't smell like foods. As I felt my hooman had tricked me and I now had a hungry, I jumped down, went to my foods bowl, and meowed for treats. Eventually my hooman said 'go on, then', and gave me some. I felt better after that.

Put me down, hooman!

I was having peaceful naps on the big, long chair, when I heard sounds at the door. A hooman? My hooman? Yes - it was my hooman! I was going to ignore him, for going away and leaving me, but I had a happy, so I went up to him, purring, and rubbed against his legs. I sniffed his shoes, and could smell dog... hmmmm. He keep saying 'Hi mate!' and 'I've missed you!'... then he lifted me off the floor, with my feets dangling. He knows I don't like it when he does this. He kept saying 'I've missed you, I've missed you...' and squeezing me, then putting his mouth to my fur and making a 'mwah' sound... yuck! Now I has to have a good wash. He lifted me off the floor a few more times. No, no, no, hooman - put me down! Mad creature. I has gone to sit in the hooman's wee room, before he picks me up any more.

New Hooman - I like

I'm still not sure where my usual hooman is. I hope he comes back soon. He does give good belly rubs... but can be slow with food service. But a new hooman has been visiting me, and I quite like her. She has a softer voice than my usual hooman and her feets don't smell as much. She feeds me almost immediately after my first meow. She also gives the best strokes of my head and ear scritches. I approves. She may well be my new favourite hooman. My usual hooman will have to work hard for my affection when he comes back.

Kitty high

I has had some funs today. I'm not sure where my usual hooman is, but a new hooman has been round yesterday and today. And today, she gave me one of my favourite things - catty drugs! She sprinkled some on the floor, I took a sniff... then I rolled in it, meowed, bunny kicked, rolled some more, stretched out. I thought about creating wonderous catty art, with my paws - maybe out of spread out litter. I thought about writing deeply profound songs about the pain of waiting to be fed. I identified with Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, and Ragdoll kitties, all at once. I even wondered what it must me like to be a dog... then shuddered and left that thought alone. My eyes and ears were opened to all the sounds of the world - I could hear robins chirping, in a another universe. I rolled around some more... then I got up and ran from room to room as fast as I could. Then I had a wash. That was good.

Bad smell

My hooman came home before, having been gone for a very long time. As soon as he walked in, I could sense something wasn't right - my little catty nose told me so. Something smelt funny. I walked slowly up to my hooman. I sniffed his legs... they were okay. I sniffed higher up his legs...hmmmm. Then he put a hand out to stroke my head... and it smelt of dog! Eugh! How could he do this? How could he betray me in this way? I turned around, showed him my fluffy butt, meowed my annoyance, and ran into the main room. I sat on the big, long chair. My hooman tried to stroke me again, but I ducked. I need him to think about what he's done. I shall ignore him for a bit. Some snacks might help to improve the situation.