Kitty high

I has had some funs today.

I'm not sure where my usual hooman is, but a new hooman has been round yesterday and today.

And today, she gave me one of my favourite things - catty drugs!

She sprinkled some on the floor, I took a sniff... then I rolled in it, meowed, bunny kicked, rolled some more, stretched out.

I thought about creating wonderous catty art, with my paws - maybe out of spread out litter.

I thought about writing deeply profound songs about the pain of waiting to be fed.

I identified with Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, and Ragdoll kitties, all at once.
I even wondered what it must me like to be a dog... then shuddered and left that thought alone.

My eyes and ears were opened to all the sounds of the world - I could hear robins chirping, in a another universe.

I rolled around some more... then I got up and ran from room to room as fast as I could.
Then I had a wash.

That was good.


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