Bad smell

My hooman came home before, having been gone for a very long time.

As soon as he walked in, I could sense something wasn't right - my little catty nose told me so.

Something smelt funny.

I walked slowly up to my hooman.

I sniffed his legs... they were okay.

I sniffed higher up his legs...hmmmm.

Then he put a hand out to stroke my head... and it smelt of dog!

How could he do this?

How could he betray me in this way?

I turned around, showed him my fluffy butt, meowed my annoyance, and ran into the main room.

I sat on the big, long chair.

My hooman tried to stroke me again, but I ducked.

I need him to think about what he's done.

I shall ignore him for a bit.

Some snacks might help to improve the situation.


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