Sitting on hooman

I has many favourite spots to sit and nap in - some boxes in my home, some chairs, sometimes on the bed, sometimes on top of where my hooman puts the things he wears.

But twice, I has chosen one particular spot - sat on my hooman.

This is good, because my hooman is made of warms, and it also means I gets lots of head, chin, and cheek rubs, and strokes on the back.

I feel my hooman should be honoured when I choose to sit on him.

I just sat on him for a little while, then he did something very wrong - he moved slightly.

This offended not only me, but all of my ancestors, going back to the times in a land I believe was called 'Egypt' - when we were seen as gods... as we should be.

I let my hooman know he had offended my and my ancestors, with a loud meow, and by running off.

I then went to my food bowl, to demand food. This is the only way my hooman could make up the offence he had just caused.

He filled my food bowl.
I has decided to forgive him, on this occasion.


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