Rude catty doctor

I has had a poorly.

I has had a sore eye.
I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but my hooman looked at it and said 'Hmmm, it looks a bit red'.

So he took me to see the catty doctor.

I'm not a huge fan of going to see the catty doctor.

First, my hooman has to put me in a big box, which he carries.
I finds this confusing, so I meow.

I also don't like it when he puts me in the moving thing that goes 'vroom'.
The movement makes me feel a bit strange, so I meow in protest.

We had to wait for the catty doctor, then he called my name.

He took me out of the big box, stroked my head, which was nice...then prodded my tummy a bit... then said something about 'skin abrasion'.

Then he put me on a big flat thing and said... 'Well, he's put on quite a bit of weight... you may have to give him less treats'.

Rude catty doctor!
I is a lean, mean, hunting machine!

I was going to hiss at him, but my hooman was giving me some nice ear scritches, to keep me calm.

The catty doctor said I needed some 'steroids to bring the inflammation down'...then he went away for a bit... then I felt something sharp near my tail.

I didn't like this, so I buried my face in my hooman's big belly.

Then, suddenly, I was being put in the big box again, went in the 'vroom' thing, and was home.

My hooman let me out and I meowed at him lots.
He owed me many head strokes and belly rubs.
I made sure I got them... then I went for a nap in a sun beam.




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