I made a hisstake

I was dreaming away, before - having a lovely nap.

Then my dream turned horrible.

I was chasing meeces, having fun.
They were darting around, but I managed to keep up with them.

Then they shot under a bush, where I couldn't quite see them.

I crouched down and went under it too.

And when I put my head up, there were three foxes, all licking their lips. 

 'We are the defenders of meeces', they said.

They were wearing funny things on their feets, like the things my hooman wears indoors - I've heard him call them 'slippers'.

They advanced towards me.

I puffed up my fur and yowled.

One of them reached out one of their feets and touched me.
I hissed loudly.

Then I could really feel something on my fur, so I hissed again.

Then I opened my eyes and my hooman said, 'Frankie - what are you doing?'

And I realised that I'd hissed at his hand, which was on my belly.

I felt really bad, so I nose-nudged him, then licked that hand, to say 'I has a sorry'.

After that, I let him give me ear scritches so I could recover from my horrible catty nightmare.


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