What is he doing?

Hoomans has so many strange things they do - so many strange behaviours.

My hooman, in particular, has some very odd ones.

One of them is that he likes to sing random songs to me, hoping that I'll know what he's on about.

Here are some of them:

'Frankie, do you remember me? Frankiiiiiiiie!' (of course I remembers him - he feeds me and scoops up my poo)

'Oh Frankie chops, Frankie chops, Frankie all the way - oh what fun it is to ride on a one cat open sleigh!'

'It must be cats, cats, cats... it must be cats, cats, cats - nothing more, nothing less, Frankie's the besssssst'

'Frankie, Frankie, Frankie the little caaaaaaat - you come and go, you come and gooo-oooo!'

'We wish you a merry Catmas, we wish you a merry Catmas, we wish you a merry Catmas, and a happy new Frankie!'

I have absolutely no idea what he means.
Sometimes I blinks at him.
Sometimes I runs into another room to get away from him.

Odd creature.



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