Need new yums
I is a fussy cat.
I has a very discerning palate.
I knows what I do and don't like.
And I has had a change of mind... or of taste.
I liked the food my hooman kept putting out for me, for breakfast and dinner, up until a week ago.
Then it suddenly tasted a bit yucky... so I stopped eating as much of it, or just licked a bit of the jelly off the top.
My hooman tried to get me to eat more, by plonking me near my bowl, but I simply sniffed it and walked away.
He's been trying to put it out for me for another week, hoping I'd change my mind, but, nope - I has a yuck.
Then, today - excitement.
I see that my hooman has finally noticed I has gone off my food, and has bought me a new type of food.
I'm not sure if I'll like that either.
I shall give it sniffs and give it licks, then let him know.
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