I has a Cosy

I has found a nice new napping spot - a very specific one.

I think it comes from Coco's hooman, Karen.
I seem to remember her bringing it round.

I was having a semi-nap (loaf position, eyes open) in my hooman's napping quarters, when he came over to me and made that stoopid 'mwah' noise on my head.

Then he said 'Look, Frankie! Look at this!'

He put down a soft looking purple thing - a blanket.

It looked nice and cosy, and fuzzy.

I got up, did a biiiiiiiiig stretch, walked over to it, and sniffed it.

Then I stood on it and walked round in circles a few times.

Then I flomped down onto it.
It was very soft.
I had a happy.

I blinked my approval at my hooman... and had a proper nap.


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