Strategic Floor Flomps

I has perfected my technique.

I has worked out how to flomp in the middle of the floor and receive maximum belly rubs.

It's very simple, and all cats should know this.

You lure your hooman over with a miaow, a 'mrrrp', or just general cuteness.

Then, as they get close you crouch down a bit, as if going into 'the loaf' pose.

Then 'flomp', you flop onto one side, on the floor...ideally right in the middle of the floor.

Then you tuck your paws in and roll from side to side, giving full access to your fluffy belly.

Your hooman should then react appropriately by telling you how cute you are, and giving you lots and lots of belly rubs... and maybe some chin scritches too.

For maximum cuteness, you should stretch your paws out and flex your claws.

Your hooman should then stay there, giving belly rubs, until you decide to get back up again - could be five minutes, could be an hour.


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