So many plans

I had big plans for today.

First I was going to sniff all of the furniture.

Then I was going to scratch the corner of the hooman's bed for a bit.

Then I was going to run from room to room.

After that, I was going to wash my feets.

Then I was going to sit in the box in the hall for a while.

Next I was going to meow outside a cupboard until my hooman opened it for me.

This was to be followed by some squirrel watching, out of the window.

Then I was going to meow for some time.

But, I got onto the cushions on the big, long, comfy chair, put my head between my front feets, and had a nap.

I woke up, but felt that a second nap was required.

And now I hasn't managed to do any of the things I had planned.

I'll have to try again tomorrow...


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