New Place, New Things to Chase!

I has been reading - pages and pages.

I has been reading all about a place called Costa Rica.

I think it's a long long way from where I live with my hooman.

It mentions 'rainforests'.
I think these are like the forest my hooman tried to grow in our home (although both plants are looking a bit brown now), only much much bigger.

In these rainforests, there is lots of strange creatures.
It talks about monkeys, but I think they're too big to chase and catch... and I think they're a bit bitey.

But it also talks about lizards and frogs.
I has seen a frog before, and I has seen a picture of a lizard.
I could definitely chase these creatures.
And in Costa Rica, there are gazillions of them.

I got so excited that I read until my little catty brain was fried!

Then I realised I'd been concentrating so hard that I needed a nap.

When I wake up, I will read more about these lizards and frogs... after a wash, of course.


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