The art of flomping

Every professional cat knows this.
It's essential to being an effective feline.

You can't simply go somewhere and lay down, whether for a nap or just to get attention.
You has to flomp.

And flomping is an art form...

Let's say you is in a room with a shiny floor, or a carpet, and your hooman comes over.
You wait for him to get close to you, then... 'flomp!'... you falls on your side - ideally with your belly facing upwards.

The same goes for comfy, soft chairs.
You wait for your hooman to sit on one, jump up next to him, walk in a circle a few times, then... 'flomp!'

You can also do a frontal flomp.
This is when you plop down on your front, belly down, head down, with your front feets stretched out in front of you.

It is vital that all felines know how to flomp properly.


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