Eugh! Stop it, hooman!

Hoomans are mad.

What is 'Mwah'?

What does this mean?

My hooman keeps coming up to me and making this noise.

I'll be minding my own business, doing important cat stuff, and he'll just come up to me, shout 'Gorgeous cat!'... then put his mouth on my head and say 'Mwah!'

He'll do this again and again.
It's irritating.

And what on earth does it mean - both the sound itself and the strange hooman behaviour.

He even does it when I is trying to have a wash.
Is nothing sacred?

I'm going to wait 'til 4am, go up to him, and stick my nose in his face... maybe give him a quick paw-swipe.

That'll teach him to stop coming up to me with his weird 'Mwah' noise.


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