Double Dinner

My hooman is old.
This means he forgets things.

This happens to cats too.
But I'm young, so it won't happen to me just yet.

My hooman forgetting things can have its advantages.
The main one is food-based.

Sometimes, I has my dinner or breakfast.
Then I wait a bit.
Then I start rubbing against my hooman's legs and meowing.
After that, I walk towards the food bowl.
Once nearby, I flomp onto my side, tuck my paws in, and does my best to look cute.
I let out a little squeaky meow... then roll around so that my hooman can give me belly rubs.

Then, he'll say 'Oh, have you had breakfast/dinner?'
I won't say anything - I'll just blink slowly at him.

He'll then say 'Poor, hungry Frankie chops', and get a new food pouch out.

I'll get up and rub against his legs again, letting out a couple of 'mrrrps'.

A full bowl of food will then be in front of me.

That's how I gets a second breakfast or dinner.

Silly hooman.


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