When you gots to go...

My little catty bowels are fairly regular.
I'm quite happy with them.
But sometimes I skips my morning poo tray visit and it catches up with me later in the day.

This happened today... and it seemed like the timing was unfortunate for my hooman.

He was looking at his compooter screen, talking to other hoomans, when I felt the urge...

I quickly walked to the poo tray - there was no time to waste.

I did try to warn my hooman, with a long meow, but he said 'In a minute, Frankie - I'm in a meeting'.

So I had no choice.

I hopped into the tray, sat for a bit, and 'plop, plop, plop'...

I heard my hooman say 'Oh no, Frankie - not now!'

Then I jumped out of the tray, making sure I scattered bits everywhere.

My hooman said to the other hoomans, on screen, 'Sorry, I'll be back in a minute'... then he said 'That, bloody stinks, Frankie! Couldn't you do it when I'm not in a meeting?'

I blinked at him, then washed my side.

My hooman did what he always does - put my poo into a bag.
I'm still not sure what he does with it. What does he need it for?

Then he sprayed the room and it suddenly smelt all sweet.

He went back to the compooter screen and said 'I'm sorry - just had something I had to deal with quickly'.

He didn't tell the other hoomans that he collects my poo... must be because they'd think he's weird... which he is.

I'm not sure when I'll use the poo tray tomorrow. Hopefully at my usual time. Will have to wait and see.


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