
My hooman often sits in the same place, day after day after day - typing away at his compooter.

I like the chair he sits in. It's comfy.

He's very silly though - I think he thinks that chair is his.

He's very wrong.

I is a cat.
I sits where I wants to sits.

My hooman sometimes gets up from his chair to do something.
This is when I take my chance.

As he's been sitting there, on a cushion, the chair is now made of warms.
I like warms.

So, as soon as gets up, I trots over to the chair, hops on it, and sits.

When he comes back and says 'Frankie, I got up for all of two seconds', I just do my best to look cute, and blink at him.

If he tries to move me, I meow in protest - the chair is now mine.

He usually then makes a huffing noise and sits somewhere else.

Thanks for the warms, hooman.


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