Get up, hooman!

I had a very difficult morning.

I had a hungry, so I went to see my hooman in his napping room, to request breakfast.

He was still napping though.

This was not good.
I needed food.

I sat down in his napping room, got myself ready, and sang the song of my catty ancestors.

I heard him say 'Frankie, shhhhh', but he didn't get up.

Then I went to the curtains and started attacking them, but he didn't move.

Next, I went into the main room and start clawing the big, long, soft chair, making lots of ripping sounds.
I heard 'Stop it!' from the napping room.

Still no breakfast.

I went back into the hooman's napping room, jumped onto the bed, and pounced on his feets.


I walked up to his face and stuck my catty nose into it.
He moved a little and said 'I'm trying to lie in, Frankie...'

Then I decided to just walk over his face.

He said 'For duck's sake', or something like that, sat up, and got out of the bed.

He started walking towards my food bowl.

I had a happy.
My tail was up.
I made sure I walked in front of him lots, and he nearly fell over twice. This is my duty, as a cat.

Finally, he put food out for me and I ate it quickly.
That was close... I thought I was going to starve to death.

I hope he gets out of bed earlier tomorrow.


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