Another New Spot

I has found another new spot to hide in, particularly when the hooman is wandering around saying 'Frankiiiiiiiie' or trying to pick me up and cuddle me.

I found it behind the soft brown chair that I like to sink my claws into.

It's low down, on the ground, so no need to do big catty jumps to get into it.

It's a nice box-shaped space, so I can just about squeeze my catty bum in and curl my tail round me.

I like it.
It's snug.

I sit there and watch my hooman wander around the big, main room doing weird hooman things.

When I has a hungry I leaves the little space, to demand food.

When I needs attention, strokes, or scritches, I also leave there and let my hooman know.

But I'm happy to stay in my new space for many hours.
I has a happy there.


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