The outside world

I had a very exciting, scary, confusing, terrifying, thrilling, strange day today.
I don't know how to feel.

My hooman did something different - he opened 'the door that shall not be opened'... the door to the outside.

And he didn't try to stop me going out of it, by putting his bottom paws in the way, like he usually does.

So, I sniffed the air a little bit, swished my tail, and went outside.

And there was so much to take in. My little catty brain nearly went pop!
So many sniffs, sights, sounds... I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know where to go first.

I crept along, low down, as I had a scary.

I sniffed some bushes. They smelled of other cats.

Then I went further... then a little further... then a little further, until I found a big tangled bush to hide under.

My hooman was still near me, so I meowed at him.

I came out from under the bush and decided to make myself big and scary, so I floofed up my tail and my back.

Then I went under a hedge and found a road.
I crossed it and found another hooman's place.

I had a scent in my nose, so I followed it.
I crouched down and went under this hooman's gate and into their garden.

I could hear my hooman saying 'Frankie! ... Frankie!' ... but I decided to ignore him.

I sniffed this garden.
I still had a scary.

I went towards the back fence... then I heard my hooman say 'that's enough, Frankie'... and suddenly I was scooped off of my feet and was in my hoomans arms.

I had a confused.

What had happened?
Where were we going?
How far were we from home?

I struggled a bit, as I don't like it when my hooman takes me off my feet.

Then, suddenly, he plonked me down at home again - near the things he wears on his bottom paws.

I didn't understand, so I wandered around, singing the song of my people.

I heard my hooman say something about 'I think we're going to have to get a lead'.

I didn't understand, so I licked my bum - then I had a nap.
It's been a very tiring day.


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