Lots of soft things

As I've lived with my hooman, he's brought more and more stuff into my home.

Big tall things on which he stacks stuff, big chairs, one really long chair, a big thing which shows lots of pictures that move, and a thing that goes in the middle of the room that he puts other things on.

But more recently, he's added some new stuff - soft things that go on the big, long chair that are really comfy for taking naps on.

He has about five of these soft things now, and I has tested them all out.

I now has a favourite one and, when I feel like spending time with my hooman, I like to curl up on it.
Then I show him my fluffy belly and give him the honour of stroking it.

I'm very pleaed with my human for bringing these soft things into my home.
I hope he gets more of them, so I can test them out for naps.


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