I helps my hooman

I am aware that my hooman feeds me, gives me pets, keeps my poo and wee box tidy, and gives me snacks... but these are things any good hooman should do for us superior beings.

As my great great great great great great great great great great grandkittyma once said; 'All hoomans are here to serve cats - they should be honoured to be in our presence'.

But I do like to show my hooman that I care for him, for example, by weaving in and out between his legs whenever he tries to walk anywhere, or by sticking my fluffy butt in his face.

The last few days, I has noticed that my human had a poorly. He barely left the bed (well, he did once, but was back again much sooner that I thought he'd be), and just wasn't acting the same.

It seemed that my hooman had a sad.

So, I did what any good cat should do, and curled up next to him as much as possible, to show my catty understanding of hooman suffering.

It also meant that I got plenty of head strokes, ear scritches, and chin tickles.
Plus, my hooman is made of warms, so is good to take naps on.

I hope he doesn't stay poorly, but I do like him constantly around, so I can gets lots of fuss.

It's hard being a cat sometimes...


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