Foods between foods

Sometimes I has a hungry between my main food.
Sometimes I needs snacks.

If this happens, I try to get my hooman's attention and alert him to this urgent situation.

This happened today.

My hooman was in his napping room, so I jumped on the bed, purring, with my tail held high.

I meowed to let him know that snacks were needed.

I nose-nudged him in the face.

I rubbed against him.

I let out a 'mrrrrrrp!'

I gave him some gentle catty headbutts.

I walked up and down him, purring some more.

I let out a more urgent meow.

Finally he said 'come on then', got up, walked towards the snacks, and said 'Dreeeaaamies!' in a very high voice.
Bit weird.

Then he gave me snacks in my food bowl.

I had a happy.


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