New view

I has been with my new hooman for, I think, 60 catty days... which is about 10 hooman days (I tried to work this out by counting on my claws).

I think I like my new hooman, but he is a bit strange.
Sometimes he just calls me 'Frankie', sometimes he says 'Frankiiiiiiiiiiie', in a very high voice (I just blink at him if he does this), and sometimes he calls me 'Sir Francis Wilberforce Giuseppe Heung-Min Alejandro'... which makes me have a confused.

He tries to stroke my ears, which I don't like, but I will let him touch to top of my head, my face, and my belly.
I like exactly five belly rubs, then I will kick my back legs, as I want him to stop.

I didn't like the food he was putting out for me at first, but he seems to have learnt from his mistake and now gives me new, yummier food.

He has a strange obsession with my wees and poos. As soon as I do one, he seems to take them away and store them in a bag. Odd hooman.

Today, I made an exciting discovery though.
I went into the room where the hooman makes his food and found somewhere new to see the outside from... but there was big thing with slats in the way of it.

I pawed at this big thing.
Then I stuck my head in it... which got stuck.
I meowed at my hooman to come and help me, and he pulled my head out.
I gave him an angry meow for not coming to me sooner.

He then did something weird and magical, and the big slatty thing lifted up.

I now had an amazing view of the outside.
I stayed there and stared for many catty hours.

I saw some birds. I hope to go out and chase some soon.

I have to go now, as I need to clean my tail, then I have some other important cat stuff to do.


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