Belly rubs!!

When I trust a hooman, this is one of my favourite things in the world - rolling onto my back or my side, showing off my fluffy belly and getting lots and lots of belly rubs.
It's the best thing ever!

This morning, I decided to have a little nap next to my hooman.

He said 'Oh hi, Frankie', then started giving me pets on my head and my back.

This made me have a happy, so I rolled onto my back, said 'Mrrrp' and showed him my belly.

I'm not sure what this means, but he made a noise like this: 'Awwwww'.

Then he did what I wanted him to do and gave me lots and lots of belly rubs.
Purrfect 😸

I stretched out further, to show off more of my belly, and said 'Mrrrp' again.
More belly rubs.

Then I fell asleep and dreamed of millions of open tins of toona: Mmmmmmm!


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