Wrong box

I likes to explore.

I particularly likes to explore cupboards.

I has a favourite cupboard - the one in the hall.

My hooman was doing something on the compooter, so I went over to this cupboard.
The door was slightly open, so I pulled on it with my paw until it was fully open.

I went in and the door closed behind me.
I didn't mind though, because my special catty vision allows me to see in the dark.

I had sniffs, then I had a look around.

I got into some boxes, then I got out of them again.

I pawed at some plastic bags.

Then I squeeze through a tiny gap, into another box.

I just about got in, the gap closed up... and I realised I was in my catty doctor box - the box my hooman puts me in to take me there.

I don't like this box.
I'm not a fan of the catty doctor.

I was stuck.
I wasn't happy.

I meowed and meowed in protest.
Where was my hooman?

I kept meowing... then my hooman arrived.
He opened the cupboard, opened up the catty doctor box, and said 'What are you doing in there, you daft sod?'

I ran off with a yowl.

I shall now sit and judge my hooman, from the window sill.


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