
I had a good wash before - all my feets, my front, my belly, and my back.
Then I laid down and had a nap.

A little way into my nap, my hooman came over to me and said 'Frankiiiiiiiiie!'
He then started to stroke my head and my back, which was very nice...but then I smelt of hooman again. 

He left me alone, so I washed the parts that now smelt of hooman, and napped again.

Then he came in and stroked my head.
After that, I had to lick my front feets and rub them over where he'd stroked.

After a while I got bored, so I went into the big, main room to see my hooman.

I jumped onto the table and sat next to him.
He said 'Hi mate!' then ruffled my chest fur and touched my feets.


Now I smelt of hooman all over again.
I started washing myself once more...

I wish he'd let me smell of cat.


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