Lost in Thought

I has had a troubling aftenoon.

I has been lost in deep thoughts - important thoughts.

My little catty brain has been contemplating:

Will I ever catch the red dot?

What is the point in water?
I know I needs it, but why does it taste of nothing?
Why isn’t there chicken-flavoured water?

How does my hooman cope with only 8 hours of naps?
I simply cannot function on less than 16.

Why walk on 2 legs?
Surely 4 legs give more balance.

How do birds and squirrels wash themselves?

Why do hoomans eat lots of green things?
I only occasionally nibbles a plant if I has a bored, or a sick.

Why do only some creatures fly?

Why aren't hooman claws retractable?

Is it possible to survive without belly rubs?

Why don't dogs seem to have any dignity?
You has to at least pretend not to like you hooman sometimes.

Why aren't there more boxes in the world?

Why... I has a tired.

Naps needed.


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