Too late, hooman...

My hooman has a specific room for napping in - his napping quarters.

I has also noticed that he only naps at certain hours.

Whereas I nap throughout the day and night (I has to get my full 16 hours in or I'm simply too tired), my hooman only naps during the hours of darkness - very strange.

But... I likes his napping quarters - they is very comfy.

So I often get to his main napping spot before him.
Then I has a cosy.

My hooman will come to his napping spot, but he then has to nap in a position that suits me - that fits around me.

It's fine if his position gives me extra warms and allows him to stroke my head and back, and even give me belly rubs... but he cannot move me.

That's the rule - let sleeping cats lie.

So, sometimes he gets to his napping spot first and I join him.
Sometimes I'm already in his napping spot and he just has to figure a way to fit in without disturbing me.



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