The creature's cave

That frustrating little red creature - the one I can't catch... I has found out where it lives.

It lives in a small, black, round thing... which must be a teeny tiny cave.

I know this because this round thing has a dangly bit attached to it, which makes a little jingly jangly noise when it's moved.

I'm alerted to this when my hooman touches it and I hear the sound.

Then I becomes interested.
Then I becomes excited.

My little catty eyes grow big.
My ears twitch.
I look all around me for the creature.

My hooman then makes a silly sound 'hahahaha!'...

Then, suddenly, the tiny red creature appears - speeding along the floor.

I chases it to one end of the room and just misses catching it.

Then it goes to the other end, so I chase it there.

Then it climbs the walls and I try to paw it off... but I just miss it.

I will get it one day.
I know I will.
I will make it my life's mission.

The tiny red creature shall be mine...


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