Hooman check-ups

Aside from napping, and sitting on things that my hooman is looking at, I has another important duty.
I has to check up on my hooman, during the course of the day, and make sure he is okay and that he doesn't need my help in some way.

I does this by jumping up onto the table or the bed, depending on where he is, and seeing what he's up to.

It's essential that I do this.

I have to see:

Does he smell right?

Does he have foods?

Can I eat these foods?

What exactly is he doing?

Can I get in the way of this?

What is he using?

Should I sit on it?

Does he have enough of my scent on him?

It is vital that all of the above is confirmed.

I cannot get on with my other catty duties until I have inspected my hooman.
This happens three to four times per day, as standard.




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