Happy Me Day

Today is an important day for me.

In fact, it's an important day for all kitties.

It's National Cat Day.

It's a day when we sharpen our collective claws and leave our mark on soft chairs.

It's a day when we eat extra treats, gained through the cuteness of our meows, or even a little 'mrrrrrp' or two.

It's a day when we has three poos, to give our hoomans extra work to do.

It's a day full or pre-nap naps, naps, and post-nap naps.

It's a day full of ear scritches, and - if you can resist bunny kicking - belly rubs.

It's a day when we should be honoured.
It's a day when we should be worshipped.

So, in many ways, it's much like most other days.

And now the planning for International Cat Day, next summer, begins...


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