Hooman needs warms

I likes to be a helpful kitty whenever possible, so I helped my hooman this morning.

He has a drawer in which he keeps his clothes.
They're very plain, and they lack fur... so I decided to provide assistance.

I hopped into the draw, walked in a circle three times, then settled down on the clothes for a nap.

I felt it was essential that they had a layer of fur on them... especially as, having seen my hooman without any clothes, I know that he has no fur of his own.

I rolled about in the drawer, showed off my belly, and got some belly rubs.
Then my hooman said 'Frankie, how am I supposed to get dressed?'

I didn't really understand...or care...so I tucked my paws into my chest, to look cute, and gave a 'mrrrrrp'.

I'm glad I can be so helpful to my hooman.


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