Sorry, Hooman!

I was having a nice nap and snuggle next to my hooman today.
He was giving me lots of pets; ear scritches, chin scritches, belly rubs, head strokes.

I had a happy... so I started drifting off.

I feel into a deeeeeeep sleep.

I was in a field full of meeces, all running and jumping about among long tall grass.

I chased a few of them, then found myself by a tree, where there was some familiar green stuff scattered on the ground.

It was a huge pile of catnip.
I sniffed it, then flomped down and rolled in it, and went a bit silly.

Then the sun came out and there was a big, long beam of sunshine on me, which gave me warms.

Then, suddenly... something was bringing me back from my dream.

In the confusion, I let out a big hiss, then bit the thing in front of me... then opened my eyes and realised it was my hooman's hand.

I was very sorry. I had a sad when I realised what I'd I started licking his hand. Then I rubbed my head against it.

I think he forgave me, as he said 'daft cat', then gave my more ear scritches.

Sorry, hooman - I won't do it again.


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