Sits Testing

My hooman came in earlier, carrying a box.

I'm not sure what it was, but he said 'Look, Frankie chops - new scales!'

Then he went into his wee and poo room and started taking things out of the box.

He took out one main thing - it was square - and turned it over, then said 'Ah, batteries...'

He put it back on the floor of the wee and poo room, but the box back on top of it, and put some crinkly stuff (which came out of the box) on top of that.

When he left the room, I decided this new thing needed to be tested.
It was important that it was good enough for sits.

So, I stood on it, turned around a few times, then settled down.
Hmmm... quite comfy.

When my hooman came back into the room, he said 'Frankie! I want to test that out...'

Then he sighed, said something about me being 'cute', and left the room again.

I'm still having sits on the new thing...


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