Hooman is washing?

I spotted my hooman doing something very strange - something I've not seen him do before.

I think maybe the hot weather is getting to him.

He had something in his hand, and he seemed to be cleaning it - washing it lots with his tongue, just like I does.

He washed and he washed and he washed.

I didn't know what it was.
It was white and it looked squishy.

Then he said 'You want some, Frankie?'

There was a little bit of this white squishy stuff still left, on some kind of stick.

He brought it down to my face.

I was curious to know what it was, so I sniffed it...but my catty nose got too close and some went on it.
It was cold.

I stuck my tongue out to see what my hooman was washing.
It tasted strange.
I didn't like it.

I meowed and backed away.

Then my hooman carried on washing the stuff until there was none left.

Very odd behaviour... even for a hooman.


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