Hooman returns

It's happened.
My hooman came back!

I thought he was gone forever.

A new, female hooman kept coming to visit me, and I'd gotten used to her.
She fed me and gave particularly good belly rubs.

But she couldn't give me access to the compooter, to write posts.
I did meow at her, to let me use it, but it fell on Jeff's ears (a phrase I've heard hoomans use).

Then, suddenly, without warning, the key went in the front door lock yesterday, and my hooman opened it!

I was supposed to be annoyed with him, but I forgot all of that and ran up to sniff his hand (to check it was definitely him), then meowed at him, then jumped up to headbutt his hand, then stretched out and showed him my fluffy butt.

He kept saying 'Hello maaaate!' and 'I've missed you!', in that silly high-pitched voice.

I wanted belly rubs, so I flopped over onto my side and rolled around on my back... and received lots of belly rubs.
This made me purr.

Then my human did something really weird.
He shouted 'belly nuzzles!', and stuck his face in my belly fur.

He's been home for a day now, so I think he's staying put.

This means I now has access to the compooter once more, so I shall keep all you hoomans and kitties up to date on the goings on in my home.

Nose nudges and kitty head bonks to all.


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