Protecting feets warmers

I has decided to add another to my list of important cat jobs.

I shall now protect my hooman's feets warmers.

It must be hard for hoomans, with no fur on their feets, to keep them warm... so they has to wear covers on them due to that lack of fur.

My hooman keeps all of his feets warmers in one place, on a long rack thingy.

To protect them, I has been sitting on them - guarding them.

It's strange as they smell like cheese, but I quite like cheese, so that's okay.

By sitting on them, I can make sure they don't go anywhere and are there when my hooman needs them.
I can also make sure they are extra warm when my hooman puts them on.

When my hooman comes to see me, while I'm sitting on them, I meow at him to let him know I'm still doing my job properly.

I hope he appreciates my efforts and gives me extra treats and chin scritches.

I is perfoming a vital service.


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