Hooman madness

I has found out something shocking.
Something deeply disturbing.

I has had a proper look around my hooman's wee and poo room, including jumping on some surfaces, and what I saw has left me extremely confuzzled.

My hooman wees and poos... in water!

In water??


What is this madness?

Why doesn't he do it on something sandy, or some mud, then bury it? 
Where's his pride?

What kind of crazy creature poos and wees in water?

And where does the wee and poo go once it's in the water?

Water is for drinking - especially from puddles and bird baths.

I knew hoomans were strange, but this is... my catty brain can't cope.

I'll have to lie down and have a nap. 
This is just too much for me...


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