Run, run, run, run
I had a lot of catty energy today.
I had to get rid of some.
I ran to the hooman's food room.
Then I ran to the big room, with the long, soft chair.
Then I ran to the hooman's napping room.
Then I ran to the room where the hooman does wees.
Then I ran to the bit that's in the middle of these rooms.
Then I ran back to the hooman's food room.
Then I ran to the hooman's napping room again.
I stopped for a bit, stared at my hooman, and said 'mrrrrrrp!'
My hooman said 'What are you doing, you nutter?'
Then he tried to stroke my head... but I said 'mrrrrrp!' again, and ran to the bit in the middle of the rooms.
Then I hid in a box for a bit.
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