Catty duties

I likes to help my hooman wherever I can, by sitting on him to keep him warm, by meowing loudly when I has had a poo, by watching out of the window to protect him from naughty birds and squirrels.

I also like to help him when he's doing other things too, like cleaning stuff in my home.

I feel it is my catty duty to assist him in the inspection of cupboards and drawers, to make sure they're as they should be.

I did this today - inspecting five cupboards.
It was hard work, looking at everything and sniffing it, but I managed it.

Once I was done, my human stroked my head, said 'good boy', and gave me some treats.

After my treats, I had a good wash.

Then I ran around for a bit.

Then I had a nap.

A good day's work.


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