
Showing posts from January, 2025

Standing Guard

My hooman is still sniffling - so I'm still being a good cat. I'm standing guard over him, to make sure he's okay. At this distance, I can wash myself without him bothering me and also benefit from some of his warms. But I can also easily go over and give him catty head bonks in the face, to make him happy... and to make sure he smells of me. And I can turn round and show him my butt. But for now, I'll continue to stand guard and do my solemn catty duty.    

Poorly hooman

I is looking after my hooman. He seems to have a bad case of catty-choos, doing many of them one after the other... although his are much louder than mine. He also seems to be lying down a lot and saying 'Oh, my head'. And he's making lots of sniffling noises. He keeps rubbing his nose on bits of white paper. I think he's poorly, so it's my catty duty to make him feel better. Wherever he sits, I comes and sits with him. If I think he's up to it, I meows for treats. Wherever he lies down, I goes and lies next to him, purring lots. I believe in my catty healing powers. I shall be next to my hooman until he feels better...then I'll ignore him again...until I has a hungry.  

Fresh sheets

My hooman has done it again - he's changed the sheets on our bed. He was ruffling around in them and muttering away, then they were on the bed. I jumped on, to inspect where I would be napping tonight. It smelt all fresh and clean. It had no catty smell. This was no good. I sat on it. Then I lifted my back leg and had a good wash of my bum. Then I laid down. Then I rolled around. It's starting to smell a bit better, but it also lacks catty hairs. I'll have to roll around on it lots more. I'll soon have it back to normal.

Hooman vintage

I has a very discerning sense of smell - a very cultured nose. I can sniff all kinds of things and get the various subtle notes they give off. For example, I has sniffs of my hooman and I can tell you the following: - He has a soft undertone of mint showergel - This is followed by strong hints of Sure deodorant - Finally, he has long Persil non-bio finish, giving way to spring blossom bathroom spray This is quite a complex smell profile, even for my highly developed palate. I needs to see and sniff more hoomans, to explore the world of scents further. I shall encourage my hooman to bring guests round, to advance my knowledge.    

Sychronised Flomping

I likes when this one thing happens. I likes when I has a flomp on the bed...and then my hooman comes and flomps next to me. We both has a flomp. Then he usually gives me lots of fuss, scritches, and puts his face on my belly fur. I'm normally happy with this, but if not I bunny kick him, let out an annoyed meow, or get up and move somewhere else for flomps. Synchronised flomps is one of my favourite things. I wish my hooman would join me for flomps more often.


I had a wander round my home today and all was not right. I has been neglecting my duties. Not enough things smelt of me. So, I went round to all objects, one by one. I rubbed my furry cheeks against my hooman's napping spot - both corners. I rubbed my cheeks against where he keeps his clothes. I rubbed my cheeks against all the door frames. I rubbed my cheeks against both corners of the big, long, soft chair. I rubbed my cheeks against the smaller soft chair. I rubbed my cheeks against the table. In the end, I think I rubbed my cheeks against every surface available. Now home smells like me again.

Catty Doughnut

It's another cold day. I wish I slept entirely throughout the cold times, like hodgehegs and meeces. The best I can do is have mutiple naps in the warmest, comfiest spots. I can also adopt certain napping tactics. Today, I has taken up the napping tactic of curling completely around - with my face pointed in towards my belly fur, and my paw over my nose. This is standard practice for kitties and is known as a 'Catty Doughnut'. I is very pleased to snuggle up in this way. Sometimes my hooman comes along, to give me some fuss, but he'll have do with the top of my head and my ears - I is not exposing my belly, nose, or chin... or my feets. I hope warmer days are coming...

Hooman blankie

After some chin scritches from my hooman and some tasty dinner, I wandered into his napping quarters for a look around. I came across a box - one that I has sat in before. But this time, it had a surprise in it. My hooman had dropped one of the soft things he wears on his top half into it. I jumped into the box and it was nice and cosy - perfect for sits and naps. I settled down on top of my new hooman blankie. Then my hooman came in, looked around, spotted me, and said; 'Frankie, what are you doing in there?' I blinked at him. Then he gave me a couple of scritches on the head. Thanks for the new blankie, hooman.        

Nighttime snuggles

My hooman settles down for nap time much later than I do. He only naps after it gets dark. This seems like a waste of prime napping time to me. When he does finally come to his napping quarters, I follows him - meowing at his feet. He gets into our bed, then he usually says 'come on, Frankie' and pats the bed. I jumps up, turns in a circle three times, then finally settles down into a loaf position. I makes sure I is close enough to my hooman that he can reach me for strokes of the head and ear scritches. I also makes sure that my hooman has to move along to make way for me - it's only fair. I move in as close as I can to him, as he's made of warms. Then we both has naps together.

Stay, Hooman!

I was walking into the big, main room, when I noticed something. My hooman was going through things in his shiny, red bag. He hasn't done that for 2 weeks. He only does this when he's getting ready for that thing he calls 'werk'. I has a suspicious. I has a sad. I hope he's not suddenly going back to werk. I has had 2 whole weeks of extra chin scritches and belly rubs, and even some bits of ham and chicken. This has made me very happy. If he has to go to werk, I won't get as much attention... and on some days I will be hoomanless :( I shall demand extra belly rubs, to make up for any that I might lose out on in the coming days. Don't want hooman back at werk...

Hidey place gone

Sad day today. My hooman started taking down the indoor tree. I am overcome with grief. This was my little hiding spot. I could get on the window sill and disappear behind that tree. And because my hooman couldn't see me, he couldn't look at me and make silly noises to get my attention. He also couldn't reach me properly, so I could sit on the window sill in peace, without him coming over and smooshing my face or doing a 'mwah' on my head. Now that the tree is gone, I'm in full view again when I sit there. He's also wiped the area with a cloth, so it doesn't smell of me any more. I'll have to hide in the cupboards more.